Monday, October 29, 2012

Re: PROOF: Expert Roundup – Weather Disaster Interview Contacts:

Expert Roundup – Weather Disaster Interview Contacts:
Direct Contact info:  Biographies, News Releases from

Storm Chaser Book Shows Rare Tornadoes and Hurricane

 Jim Reed is author of the critically acclaimed book "Storm Chaser: A Photographer's Journey" (Harry N. Abrams, 2009). He is an award-winning extreme-weather photographer who has documented America's changing climate for nearly 20 years.  A veteran storm chaser and accomplished science writer, Jim is an expert in discussing severe weather, storm chasing, and disaster preparedness. He has survived nearly every type of meteorological threat, including tornadoes, flash floods, and blizzards. He has documented 17 historic hurricanes, including Katrina. He was nearly killed in 2004's Hurricane Charley. 

Jim Reed    Jim Reed Photography - Severe & Unusual Weather
Wichita, KS   803-782-6226

People in the Path Of Hurricanes In Denial - 3 Hugely Important Tips

3 Hugely Important Tips!

1. A grab n' go kit with documents, ownership certificates, medical info, emergency contact info, important photos and certificates, videos of contents etc

2. A back up of digitized important info in a separate location

3. Update your records: appraisals, inventory, video of contents, copy new receipts. Think ahead of what the insurance company will ask you for to PROVE you owned something, what it was worth and what condition it was in. DON'T depend on your bank or lawyer to provide you with back up (extremely expensive even if they are able to provide it)For more tips, free downloads and a copy of How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster, got to

Scott M. Haskins    Conservator, Author
Santa Barbara, CA   805-564-3438

"Basic Preparedness" The 3 DVD & Book Home Study Course
"Basic Preparedness" the preparedness book, an American Classic, and Now "Basic Preparedness" The 3 DVD Home Study Course takes you inside the " Secret " Why's and the How-To of Being Prepared To Be On Your Own for Extended Periods of Time.

Why is This Home Study Course so important? Because it saves you valuable time and money. We have taken the guess work out of being prepared.

If you are really, really, really serious about being prepared for what ever may come your way, and want to be prepared to be on your own for extended periods of time, then this 3 DVD series and the book "Basic Preparedness" is a must have. This is One of a Kind.

Richard Mankamyer   McKenna, WA    Contact Phone: 1-360-458-6778


Hurricane Sandy's Message to America

When Mother Nature demonstrates her extraordinary power, I always hope that people will draw a lesson from it, but they never seem to. Hurricane Sandy is just the latest example of the futility and foolishness of thinking that humans can do anything about a hurricane or similar demonstration of who is really in charge. It is the planet. Not us.

This suspension of common sense is worsened when our President goes on television, as he did last Friday on MTV, to say "I believe the scientists, who say that we are putting too much carbon emissions into the atmosphere, and it is heating the planet and it is going to have a severe effect." This is literally junk science, long since debunked by legions of scientists who know that carbon dioxide has nothing to do with the Earth's temperature. The planet has been in a cooling cycle since 1998

Alan Caruba   South Orange, NJ   Contact Phone: 973-763-6392
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Call me – Mitchell Davis – (202) 333-5000
Broadcast Interview Source, Inc.
2500 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC  20007


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