Wednesday, June 19, 2013; Vol. 4, Issue 94
Member News
The latest information just for SIPA members…
An important member survey to fill out
By Ronn Levine
This week, in order to gather input on the Postal Reform Act of 2013 prior to introduction, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) posted a discussion draft of new legislation along with many summary documents.
It is Chairman Issa’s intention to introduce the legislation formally very soon and move it through the committee in the coming weeks. This new draft maintains a provision from last year’s postal reform bill to delay any “underwater” rate increases for two years while a study is conducted on how excess labor and facility costs negatively affect the cost coverage of underwater products like periodicals. The agreement also caps such rate increases at 2% annually until a product reaches 90% of its attributable costs, taking into account the findings of the excess capacity study.
“SIIA applauds Chairman Issa for maintaining this common sense approach to the periodical cost coverage issue,” said Mark MacCarthy, vice president, public policy, for SIIA. “We look forward to working with him to pass legislation through Congress this year.”
In order to maintain this provision in the legislation as it moves forward, SIIA has put together a very important member survey for you to fill out now. It is crucial that you complete this to help in assessing the effects of rate increases on mail volume. We know that print publications and direct-mail pieces are not the end-all vehicle they once were for most members, but we also know that many members still rely to varying extents on the U.S. Postal Service. Some economic studies suggest that those who use the postal service are indifferent to rate increases. We need your help in assessing whether this is true.
Highlights of the new proposed legislation include:
- Allows the postal service to shift to a modified-Saturday delivery schedule. The Postal Reform Act will allow the Postal Service to maintain Saturday delivery of packages and medicine while phasing out the Saturday delivery of mail- like bills and advertisements.
- Brings new leadership in to manage the postal service during restructuring. The legislation will replace the current part-time Board of Governors with a temporary panel of five full-time executives that have a clear mandate to turn around the agency and implement cost-cutting reforms.
- Modernizes mail delivery.
- Normalizes rates.
- Ends special treatment for political parties. The legislation immediately eliminates the ability of the national and state political committees to use the non-profit mail rate.
Many more obstacles lie ahead. A Senate bill has yet to be introduced, although one is very likely to be introduced in the very near future. USPS will likely file an exigent rate increase in the coming months that could include not only an across-the-board rate increase, but also an additional increase for underwater products.
SIIA remains engaged on the issue of postal rate increases and will provide updates as developments warrant. Here is the link to the member survey. If you can fill it out now, we would be greatly appreciative.
Thursday, June 20
Platform Publishing Technology Showcase
1–6 p.m.
McGraw Hill Financial in New York (49th/6th) and web simulcast
SIIA members attend at no-cost, Non-members $195.
Thursday, June 20
ABM Webinar: How to Use Social Media
as an Audience Development Tool
2 p.m.
Free for SIPA members
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Wednesday, July 3, London
Issue Brief on Making Key Decisions on Mobile
Wednesday, July 10
1 - 2:30 pm Eastern - Webinar
Book of Models Ch. 7 - Conferences and Exhibitions
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Sept. 23-25, London
Digital Content and Media Summit
One Wimpole St., London
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Dec. 11-13, Las Vegas
SIPA Marketing Conference
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