Monday, June 24, 2013

New News From Your SOB


LINKS The Spunky Old Broad ® Newsletter ~
June 24, 2013
Another beautiful week coming up. Still not getting The Miami Herald 
however. After 50 years of being a subscriber, I'm thinking of cancelling.
I feel like I've been talking with AT&T all over again. Every time I
call customer service (they only have one phone number now for everything) I get a different answer. They promise I will see it tomorrow, but now it's a game.
Had a reading done from a woman I met in San Diego and started with my
spiritual coach once again. New apartment and ready to start a new focus.
Two meetings this week with my groups, more strategy sessions and lunch
with a new friend who is looking for P.R. projects, so if you need someone
let me know.  Had dinner with my son last night before he heads back to
Palm Springs to finish working on his house.
I have left my house, but evidently three Yorkies have moved in next door
and one escaped into my yard. My son rescued it and brought it back to
the new neighbors who described him as an "escape artist." So the spirit
of Abby is still there!
One more thing--since we celebrated the first day of summer last Friday,
I want to make sure you all have the best one ever! Enjoy, love your family,
take time for yourself, experience your hobbies and make new friends. Live
a life free of regrets.
Question and Answer:
Q: I have started a small business and it seems to be taking over my life.
I don't have time for me, my friends, family or even exercise. I know you
have done many things in your life and seem to fit everything in. Any hints?
A: Believe me, I know how it can take over your life. My personal and 
professional life have always been a blend and blur. First you must know
your own body highs and lows. If you can, get up a little earlier and do
your workouts, even if it's just for 15 or 30 minutes. It will set you up
for the entire day. Then work on your most important project first. Most
people do the easy things because they can check off a lot of things making
them feel as if they've accomplished a lot. But unless you're doing the #1
most important thing, you will not progress. You also need to block out time
on your calendar for your family and friends. If you make a commitment, you keep it. Try those things first and let me know how it goes.
1. Decide who and what gives you the greatest pleasures, gifts, strength,
joy and excitement and choose to spend your time with them.
2. When you're fun, alive, interesting, enthusiastic and exciting, you're
in demand.
3. Never let going unaccompanied stop you from doing anything.
                           RELEASE YOUR IMAGINATION
Develop a sense of humor. People love being around others who are pleasant and enjoyable. Don't become a clown, but do keep that smile on your face. It's hard to clench your teeth when you're smiling, and it's hard to  be angry when you have a smile.
Don't get in a rut, and if you do, don't stay there. Release your imagination.
Think about how you can go on to be a well-rounded, interesting person. You can be anything you make up your mind to be and the right attitude and application of the formula, success=persistence+discipline, you'll be the best you can at it. This doesn't take money and it doesn't require family background, but it does take time, guts and a willingness to work hard.
You also need to develop a positive mental attitude. Negative thinking is a
waste of time however some people enjoy walking around with a cloud over their head. What a waste of energy!
Don't allow yourself to be used or abused by these people. Surround yourself with positive thinkers who can share or at least support your goals. You have the choice of saying no to the people who don't ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. The other choice is to stay in there with them. In the long run,
your positive mental attitude will take you farther than your negative friends--
if it's aided by disciplined goal-setting and review.
  Read my blog at
Listen to me on  every Tuesday evening 7 to 8 p.m. EST


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Gayle Carson | 2957 Flamingo Drive | Miami Beach, FL 33140


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